It's funny, I feel like I'm your brother in spirit right now. I've worked for a Sub-3 for many years and finally cracked it at a training race in the middle of my plan this March. I've done a massive half marathon PB (1:22:01) a week ago and in two weeks my main race (Hamburg) will take place. But already I'm thinking about the big trail goal for me this year: Zugspitz Ultratrail.
I have found a great solution to this sort of "A-race fatigue" we're both experiencing: I've made it my goal to be the Sub-3 pacer for a friend of mine instead of focussing on improving my own Sub-3 PB by a couple minutes. That’s more worthwhile and it provides me with more meaning to be serving someone else during that race.
Whatever you will do in Hanover, fingers crossed you'll have a great day and end up enjoying it a lot. All the best!
Haha this is so awesome! Same same, checked in a massive hm pb as well on the way to Hannover. I’m so satisfied with everything and it’s obviously no wonder that my hunger for the marathon is not that big :-)
Your idea of pacing a friend is genius! BUT… I am very cautious with taking pacer jobs. If I do that I take it very seriously and want to be 100% sure that I can bring my friend from the start to the finish line in the exact time I was "booked" for. From my experience you need at least (!) a 20-30 min headroom on the marathon goal time if you really want to guarantee doing a great job. I’ve seen so many pacers – even official ones booked by the event organizers – who completely failed to deliver and left whole groups of runners clueless on the course when they had to drop out of the race.
With that being said: I’m in tip top shape and running under 3 hours again is absolutely possible, but I wouldn’t dare to promise it to a friend I pace. Or to anyone else, for that matter haha!
Thanks for sharing this! Yes, I totally feel you. I have once called those "AA" races "Running on hallowed ground". I know that not everyone can relate to such spiritual references but despite not being a religious person, it was the best way for me to describe those über-special races that are either rare or once in a lifetime events.
Regarding your marathon hunger, I have the saying: If you don't feel like it, it will be great!
That’s a great one! I will steal it from you. Thanks!
It's funny, I feel like I'm your brother in spirit right now. I've worked for a Sub-3 for many years and finally cracked it at a training race in the middle of my plan this March. I've done a massive half marathon PB (1:22:01) a week ago and in two weeks my main race (Hamburg) will take place. But already I'm thinking about the big trail goal for me this year: Zugspitz Ultratrail.
I have found a great solution to this sort of "A-race fatigue" we're both experiencing: I've made it my goal to be the Sub-3 pacer for a friend of mine instead of focussing on improving my own Sub-3 PB by a couple minutes. That’s more worthwhile and it provides me with more meaning to be serving someone else during that race.
Whatever you will do in Hanover, fingers crossed you'll have a great day and end up enjoying it a lot. All the best!
Freu mich darauf dabei zu sein ❤️
weiß nicht was da noch schief gehen kann….
Haha this is so awesome! Same same, checked in a massive hm pb as well on the way to Hannover. I’m so satisfied with everything and it’s obviously no wonder that my hunger for the marathon is not that big :-)
Your idea of pacing a friend is genius! BUT… I am very cautious with taking pacer jobs. If I do that I take it very seriously and want to be 100% sure that I can bring my friend from the start to the finish line in the exact time I was "booked" for. From my experience you need at least (!) a 20-30 min headroom on the marathon goal time if you really want to guarantee doing a great job. I’ve seen so many pacers – even official ones booked by the event organizers – who completely failed to deliver and left whole groups of runners clueless on the course when they had to drop out of the race.
With that being said: I’m in tip top shape and running under 3 hours again is absolutely possible, but I wouldn’t dare to promise it to a friend I pace. Or to anyone else, for that matter haha!
Thanks for sharing this! Yes, I totally feel you. I have once called those "AA" races "Running on hallowed ground". I know that not everyone can relate to such spiritual references but despite not being a religious person, it was the best way for me to describe those über-special races that are either rare or once in a lifetime events.
Thank you so much, Jenna!