Am an avid follower of Das Z letter and even Willpower and love reading your weekly posts. This one today however has to be my favourite one so far, most probably because I can totally relate as I’m battling to get my VO2max back up to where it was two years ago...

One good thing though is that I’m also getting older and I’m learning that I’m better off being #dataeducated rather than being #datadriven

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Thank you so much! To be honest, I was/am a bit worried, that this edition of the Das Z Letter would be received as rather boring. "Who cares about VO2max anyway?" - "Why don't you just chill out an run?"... Stuff like this. But I stick to my writing values and openly share my honest thoughts and feelings about every aspect of running. And for me, this also includes my love for numbers. By the way, I love your differentiation between #dataeducated and #datadriven! This is very smart and I will remember it next time I impulsively freak out about a result or data point ;-)

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Everyone cares about VO2Max 🥳😂 Nearly every runner I know is interested in numbers, that's the reason why so many like Strava and all the other software platforms and I do too.. I struggled this year with VO2Max and my Critical Power Value from Stryd. In most cases these drop in winter because of Kindergarten-illnesses and my general feeling of being more less fit. Every spring I'll try to get back to my old numbers but it's getting harder as you said with age. As a mid-40ies guy I'm blessed with better numbers then 5 years ago due to better organised training, but this will - I think - not last that long.. we'll see. What I wanted to say - I feel you!!

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Thanks for the feedback and solidarity ;-) I started using the Stryd sensor for my marathon preparation this spring (the race predictions were really flattering, haha!) and I know exactly what's gonna happen, once I clip it to my shoe again... I'm going to try to regain the nice critical power I had in spring!

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