Thank you. Just in case that you are considering another collection with attitude: think about Margot Friedländer‘s “Seid Menschen“ (“Be humans“ not “Be human“).

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Thank YOU for this wonderful quote. It found its way in my xxxl Willpower brainstorm notebook ;-) I owe you.

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If you ever try to run a street race in an italian city blocking the streets on a sunday morning most of the motorist will yell at you. Reclaiming the street for a different kind of mobility and approach to neighborhoods is a political act.

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Nice one! The way in which public space is shared and claimed is indeed a highly political question.

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Just stopping by to congratulate you on your taste in music.

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Haha that's super nice of you, thank you. Usually I get different feedback on my taste of music because it is rather diverse ;-)

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Hi Chris , ja laufen ist politisch.# Run down Rassism ist so aktuell wie nie! Ich fürchte auch, wenn diese ganzen Asylgesetze durchkommen, dass es dann wieder zu verstärkten Hetzjagden und Verleumdungen auf und von Migranten kommen wird.

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Beim Gesetzentwurf am Freitag hatten wir noch mal Glück, aber der nächste Anlauf wird kommen. Was mich aber am meisten besorgt ist, dass ich die Debattenkultur total verändert. Die Fronten verhärten sich und der Ton wird deutlich rauer. So etwas prägt massive die Stimmung und den Umgang miteinander in einer Gesellschaft und das macht mir ebenso große Sorge.

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I don't know how some don't get that everything is political... So is not taking a clear stance and keeping your mouth shut. It's more uncomfortable to some than others, probably because of its potential for conflict. But with the way the world is trending, we just mustmustmust stand up for what's right (especially if in a privileged position where the greatest risk for being outspoken is losing subscribers/followers/being disliked...like: come the f on). Great read, as always ✊❤️

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You are absolutely right. I have a couple of running friends with a lot of visibility and followers and not all of them dare to openly take a stand and share their values and opinions. Some are too afraid to lose followers, sponsors or not getting invited to races anymore. I understand that there is an economic value to these assets, but in the end you will be more authentic, more approachable and yes, also more visible to a lot of new followers and partners. It's worth it.

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Thanks Chris for your clear statement 🙏

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Thanks for your comment! ✊🏻

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